Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Keynesian Chaos

Maybe you can tell by now, I am a bit political in my pictures, and in some of the things I say. I did this picture when thinking of all the free money the government was giving Wall Street in hopes of saving them.
In the back I have the Keynesians, John Maynard Keynes himself and Ben Bernanke.
They are trying to save our country by doing all the wrong things, regulation, pumping up certain well connected businesses, and running up trillions in debt.
In the front I have the Austrian School of Economics, with Ron Paul, Friedrich Hayek and the Ludwig von Mises. They are building a solid foundation on gold, or sound money. They believe in saving, not regulating businesses out of existence, not favoring certain companies over others, and letting the market work. Financially their ideas would save our country. But unfortunately our government agrees with Nixon who said, "We are all Keynesians now."

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