Wednesday, September 11, 2013

House of Light

I painted this picture for a friend, it was more like a trade. He has done a lot of car work for me, so I thought I needed to do something in return.
He wanted a picture of the temple he was married in. I have seen a lot of pictures of the temple and I wondered how I could do something different. So I brought all the buildings close together to make some good negative and positive space. The advantage of painting or creating a picture with your hands as opposed to shooting a picture with your camera. Temples usually stand by themselves as does the Salt Lake Temple, so that is why I had to pull these buildings in.
The other thing I wanted to convey was that the world is dark and lonely while the temple brings light and happiness. I know the buildings that are darker in this picture are church buildings but that's what I had to work with gathering all the light to the focus which is the temple.

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