Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chicago Steppin

This illustration is highlighting how cool Chicago is, at least their music and dancing. Their politics are terrible. Chicago Steppin is a style of dancing that I first learned about listening to R Kelly music, he is obsessed with that type of dancing. It looks fun, I would actually like to take lessons with my wife.
My grandma married my grandpa because he was a good dancer and a looker. I know I didn't get my wife due to dancing, I don't have two left feet but I'm not great.
The painting was fun, I was influenced by my brother Nate Pack's work, he does a lot of music pieces in his paintings with these crazy hands, I can't get as crazy with my work (although I wish I could sometimes), I'm more reserved with my style. Below is a picture of my brother's work.

Nate Pack

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