Friday, October 11, 2013

Be a Monson Missionary

I did this project because I had an excuse to do it. A few years back, I was the ward mission leader, I proposed making I poster similar to this illustration for the benefit of our ward. The message is you don't need to change anything drastically in your life in order to be a member missionary. You just need to follow President Monson's example and go to the rescue, lift where you stand, follow the Spirit. The bishop in that ward wanted to get an ok on doing a caricature of the prophet. I left the ward soon after. Recently I had to teach Missionary Work in Gospel Principles class, so I made up these cards to hand out. (Its hard for an artist to forget about a art project he gets excited about doing)

In this picture, my process was a little different. I was pleased to see it turn out the way it did. I drew it all out, scanned it into the computer, printed the drawing out again with blue lines, inked the lines, scanned it in again, removed the blue lines in Photoshop. Printed a second light drawing out, painted it so it looked more like a watercolor, scanned it in and combined the lines with the painting and there it is.

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